October 2023, “Vanished Homes” Home Away from Home Larnaca Biennale, Pierides Museum, Larnaca, Cyprus
February 2022, “Arch & Pillar is She”, ARCHIV Massiv exhibition The Baumwollspinnerei – Leipzig, Germany
November 2021, “Architectural Identities of the Berengaria Project” 8 artists display their perspectives at ARTos House.
September 2021, “The Green Line Lamp”, Biennale Larnaca Awarded Artist Exhibition Kypriaki Gonia, Larnaka, Cyprus
July-August 2019, “The Berengaria Project, on Subjection and Defiance” 24 artist and designer displays in locations islandwide, Nicosia, Larnaca, Paphos, Cyprus.
October 2019, “The Berengaria Project”, exhibition at the Limassol Municipal Art Centre, Apothikes Papadaki, Limassol, Cyprus
August 2019, “Scattered Domes”, for the CY – Alternative Traditional Art and Design Exhibition, exhibition at the Almyra Hotel, Paphos, Cyprus
November 2018, “One Border, 2 Rusty Bumpers, 3579mm Yellow Bridge” Symposium on Borders and Bridges, University of Cyprus, at Phitorion, Nicosia, Cyprus.
October 2018 – November 2018, “Container and Content” for the Larnaca Biennale, Cyprus.
January 2015, “Green Line Product Series”, Exhibition at the Papenhuder 57 Gallery, Hamburg, Germany.
May 2015, “Affordable Art & Design”, Exhibition at the Papenhuder 57 Gallery, Hamburg, Germany.